About SuperG
Joined February 2011
Hello everyone. (2/22/2011)
Today's the first time in a long time that I don't feel like a loser. That's because I just signed up with what will hopefully end up being a lifelong journey with WA. I'm 30, have an Associates Degree in Television. I was a video editor for 6 years before realizing that I wasn't going to build a decent future with the wages I was earning. So when my wife announced that we were having a 3rd child, I started working for Pepsi as a Merchandiser. I've been doing that for 4 years. I was hoping that working for Pepsi, that it would be a way to someday getting into the marketing department. But they only seem to be looking to hire folks fortunate enough to have a 4-year degree for those jobs. I don't have that kind of money to go back to school just to go get a job that probably doesn't pay much more than I'm making now. I've run into some hardships and have felt like a failure. I have a lot of talent, but no place to apply it. I can write and have good skills in Photoshop. I've won a few Photoshop contests online, but there are no prizes in winning the contests. It's just a hobby so far. Perhaps I can make those skills useful in this community with e-book cover designs etc.
I'm not taking this opportunity lightly. I'm bound determined to learn everything I can about internet marketing right here and put it into action. There will be no fail in this venture. I have found a new home. Thank you. I look forward to meeting some great people in this community.
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jpogrins Premium
Hello SuperG... welcome to WA... after reading your bio I see that you'll be a great fit in this community. Your Photoshop skills will probably put you a 'head' above the crowd here. Many talented people to tap into here... you're gonna do great! Congrats on baby #3... extra income will help with the additional diaper and milk bills! Good Luck!
JfB (John from Boston)
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of information here but don't let it overwhelm you. Do the training, stay focused and best of all go to potpiegirls blog and check out her videos and go up to WAbinars and look for the two videos entitled Affiliate Walkthrough i and 2 by Jay (magistudios) by doing this it will clear up a whole lot of confusion. MUCH SUCCESS
joefrias Premium
Hey Glenn! Thank you for sharing.
Welcome to WA.