
Last Update: September 30, 2010
In College I was tasked to create a Sonnet. 
A Sonnet is a specifically ordered poem with a detailed meter, rhyme and must have a twist at the end.  Hope you enjoy this.
Please don't repost.


Above the world the hawk becomes the wind
Unleashed and free, to be as he, ablaze
drifting, flying bereft of all, unpinned
a dancer floating high above the craze

His wings unfurled his wondrous flight
replays the drama of my plight, restrained
to live my landbound life not half as bright
among the shadows lightless, quite constrained

To wish to fly, to feel the freedom way
the bounds of gravity to be forgot
among the cloudburst as a bird of prey
the way of dreaming is all but for naught

Much better still landbound and rehearsing
a solid life, than to watch still cursing

I've been working on Articles and feel like this is appropriate.
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wandah Premium
Thanks for sharing this is inspiring.