About RealityCheck
Joined August 2011
Hello WA Team!

I am appreciative to all of you that have already helped me on my own road to success, thank you very much! I am also always willing to assist and help others that may need ideas, coaching, or suggestions. Feel free to give me some if you feel it will help my performance or overall WA experience.

I am doing this with my husband, so we are actually a team. We already have a good experience with Internet and Affiliate Marketing on our own, but Wealthy Affiliate is light years above what we were able to do on our own, and worth every penny of membership. Paying for every single semester of my nursing degree is more than Wealthy Affiliate Platinum for 10 years!

I strongly urge everyone to get a minimum of 2 people you care about and love to join, so that your membership is actually free, and you are doing them a favor in this economy. Everyone deserves a way to create their own economic freedom, and while participating in the things they are passionate about.

I wish you all much success with WA and your individual campaigns and business. Feel free to ask me questions or give me advice, as we learn through communication, and I am all about learning, and doing, to have what it is I am working towards. Thank you!

RealityCheck's Accomplishments

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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Labman_1 Premium
Break it into small bits and string them together, in no time at all you will have the hang of this. Remember to take some time off if you get overloaded. 3 months in was rough for me. Others have no issues. Good Luck. You can do this!
Labman_1 Premium
Popped over and gave it a look. I'll give you a PM.
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you!

Being so new, there is much to do! lol
RealityCheck Premium
It is actually easy to learn and do for me so far. The only problem I have is the actual website, everything else is common sense and a breeze. Thank you, and I look forward to sharing my success stories at some point!
RealityCheck Premium
Hello Labman,

Care to read my article at Street Articles and give me your honest opinion in the comments thread there? Don't feel obligated however. Thank you

webkab Premium
Welcome to WA. There's lots of info on this site so don't let it blow your mind. Follow the 30 training offered here and also go to WAbinars and go to Affiliate Walk Through parts 1 & 2. There it will put it all together for you. I also suggest going to potpiegirls blog. She good. MUCH SUCCESS
webkab Premium
Yaa, this is probably a lot easier and more profitable. Best of luck to you.
RealityCheck Premium
I was reading PotPieGirl.com for a few weeks before I joined lol. I'm pretty sure I have it all down regarding what to do, it is now a matter of learning how to do it, but it beats calculus, pharmacology, and biology any day lol.
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you, I have some catching up to do! I was reading some of your posts though!
JoJo Premium
Welcome! Wishing you every success x
JoJo Premium
Sounds like you have a great attitude for success Lonnie. I am a returning member and the penny really seems to have dropped this time and have put the foundations in for my first niche and working hard on articles. It feels great to see it all coming together.

Look forward to seeing us both becoming very successful affiliate marketers :)
JoJo Premium
Don't worry about falling behind, as long as you are making steps forward then it's all good. I do everyhting around a FT job so I had to go slightly slower to take it all in but getting there :)
JoJo Premium
Wow - its great to be able to tap into your husbands experience, that is really going to help your results. I know some of the basics which is great. My husband doesn't know much about online marketing but is very supportive and becoming more interested as I take action! I am working on taking action every week and writing lots of articles. I know with persistent action it will pay off x
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you so very much!

Day 2 is here, and I plan to enjoy it and get my roots seated deeper into firm soil. I do not want to be a tumbleweed blowing across the 'Internet Marketing' empty cash lands, as that area is already too crowded. I'll take my time, commit to daily growth, doing things right the first time as much as possible, and when wrong, adapt new knowledge quickly and plow ahead. Before I know it, my roots will be deep, my trunk tall and firm, and my branches extending broadly in every direction, capable of catching as much rain as possible and funneling to my tap root!

Day 2 awaits!
RealityCheck Premium
I have a great deal of work to do and am falling behind a bit, but had trouble setting up my site lol. Still trying to get email figured out there too.
RealityCheck Premium
My husband used to own a large online game company years ago, and had almost 500 advertising sponsors, so he knows all about this from another angle. He is really grasping it all very easily. I am a nursing school student and also work. He is taking the ball and running with it, while I try to keep up. As a team it is much better than I could do alone!
RealityCheck Premium
My husband used to own a large online game company years ago, and had almost 500 advertising sponsors, so he knows all about this from another angle. He is really grasping it all very easily. I am a nursing school student and also work. He is taking the ball and running with it, while I try to keep up. As a team it is much better than I could do alone!
RealityCheck Premium
Over time you will learn many many ways to earn an income with WA, some will appeal to your likes or strengths more than others, but it is best to learn them all. WA is #1, even though I am new to it, I know a great deal about internet marketing as a whole, and WA is really giving you an opportunity to direct your own life with your own success. It takes work, early on it is all about learning and getting the skills, but it really pays off when you connect the skill with the knowledge. Try to get your referrals, as it makes it that much more enjoyable when it is free. If you can get two people you really care about to join, you are literally doing them a favor.

It is true, you will no longer have to pay $97 a month, as you get 50% from each referral, but they can then do the same with their own friends or family once they get it as well.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you Jaime!

Day 2 is here, so off I go for my lesson plan, and add to my knowledge!
Monika.S Premium
Hi and welcome to WA :-)
I hope you will like it as i do.

Have a great weekend.
RealityCheck Premium
I am already familiar with most of the concepts, I have simply never put it all together before. The rationale of doing it correctly is the easy part, the time to do it correctly is the "what you put into it, is what you can expect to get out from it" part. I plan to learn first, mostly by doing, and then get to doing it correctly as soon as possible, but with no pressure, as it isn't necessary. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to achieving my best results, one day at a time, and enjoying it as much as you do!

Day 2, here I come!