Watch Tony Robbins Talk About Our 6 Needs ! Brilliant !

Last Update: March 13, 2010

Just a quick post, I've watched a TED video recently (as I often do) by Tony Robbins. It's a pretty old one actually but it's brilliant. I guess a lot of people here know Tony Robbins but I just wanted to share this with you because it helps putting things in perspective and understanding where we're going and why we're going there ;). It also helps knowing what our customers REALLY need. It's just crucial.

Enjoy my friends !


PS: I love his voice and he speaks so fast ! lol Great energy.

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Miss Kitty Premium
Thank you, that was excellant!!! BUT, I didn't understand all of it. (Being honest). What is it he is about? What is it he's trying to get across? JoAnne
DanielAB Premium

Thanks for sharing! Great!
Shorkie Premium
Thanks Louise! Tony is awesome!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Louise. I hadn't seen that one. Very good.
PotPieGirl Premium
I love that man! I've watched that video before (a few times, actually), but watched it again.

Good stuff! Thank you for sharing!
