Posts by M-skeezy 5
What I mean is don't follow EVERYTHING these people are telling you. The top marketers have their own system. There's no way you can possibly follow everybody's system. I would suggest you pick 2 to 4 people to follow. Learn from those and then you should be able to grasp the concept of what you're looking for.But you must remember that is how THEY do it. Take a few notes from them and DO something with that info. If it works for you then expand that concept to fit you. Since I've been here I'v
January 22, 2010
I'm going to keep this brief. I've been here since Oct 09 and had NO idea where to get started but soon found my way around things a little. Since I've been here I've seen a few "Douche Bags" here begging for attention. We all realize that this isn't going to be an easy journey and these @$$holes bring a lot of negativity to our community. There's a difference between constructive criticism and being an outright disrespectful jerk. These jerks are usually easy to spot out. You read th
I been here since October 2009 and when first came here I had No Clue what was going on, where to start or even what an affiliate was. Now I stand here Super Proud of my First Sale!!! I was struggling for a while and the fog started to clear day-by-day and it's starting to make sense now. I know I have a LOOONG road ahead of me but getting that first sale proves that this "Internet Marketing " is in fact REAL. I'd like to thank everyone here at WA who've helped me along the way by givi
December 16, 2009
Full Steam Ahead Now. lol
December 16, 2009
I've been here since Oct 09 and have learned a tremendous amount of information.I believe this is worth my investment. I've put up a few lenses and wrote a few articles and I've seen a little traffic.So I know I can succeed I just have to work harder each day and I will.I'm not disappointed  one bit.Thanks WA members for the help you've given me :o)
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