Tasted a Sample Now I Want More...

Last Update: January 05, 2010

I been here since October 2009 and when first came here I had No Clue what was going on, where to start or even what an affiliate was. Now I stand here Super Proud of my First Sale!!!

I was struggling for a while and the fog started to clear day-by-day and it's starting to make sense now. I know I have a LOOONG road ahead of me but getting that first sale proves that this "Internet Marketing " is in fact REAL.

I'd like to thank everyone here at WA who've helped me along the way by giving me tips and answering my "Newbie" questions.

To any "Newbie" who reads this please believe me it WILL come together eventually so don't rush it. I know it took me so long to make a sale because I was doing Too Much Reading and not enough DOING. So the past week or so I went in hard and today 1st Sale YAY!

Don't expect your first campaigns to bring you anything. Just create them to get practice and then find a formula unique to you. In the upcoming months I'll be trying all kind of new stuff to see what fits me.

That's it for now and Good Luck!



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Isabelle Premium
Congrats! I can imagine how motivating this is! =)
Skybound Premium
Good for you. Well done. Agree about the too much reading problem.
thagreatstarr Premium
Congrats!! I just got here myself and I'm excited and a bit intimidated but stories like yours are motivating to get involved push it to the limit. Wish you much more success!!
Russ007 Premium
Good advise. My brain has been on overload with all this reading. At some point to have to act, and learn as you go. What I find is that the tutorials make more sense when you come back to them later for reference, after you have been in the trenches a bit. Keep it up, you are on your way.
makers-n-seven Premium
Congrats! You are exactly right - "too much reading and not enough doing" will derail many folks. Of course, important to read to get your basic understanding, but then STOP and DO SOMETHING so you can see how it all fits together!
Keep up the success