WA's Top Douche Bags...

Last Update: January 22, 2010

I'm going to keep this brief. I've been here since Oct 09 and had NO idea where to get started but soon found my way around things a little. Since I've been here I've seen a few "Douche Bags" here begging for attention. We all realize that this isn't going to be an easy journey and these @$$holes bring a lot of negativity to our community.

There's a difference between constructive criticism and being an outright disrespectful jerk. These jerks are usually easy to spot out. You read their posts or blogs and remember going to school with a person like that. We are all adults here and that High-School "I'm the Jerk" routine is old.

We all came here to learn and these people create drama to take our focus away from our goals. These "Douche Bags" are probably lonely with limited friends and come here talking trash to get attention and they will probably get no where in marketing or life in general.

Sad part about is the fact that they DO get attention from experienced marketers while the newbie's questions or posts go unanswered. So in the future don't reply to these people unless they have a Genuine question or issue and let's help people who really need it.

Like Me:o)

L8ter WA

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Garrd Premium
You know I have run into people like that here and called them out on it and they have been here for years thinking they are the shits. And after I called them out my ranking went from 132 to over 4000. And has not gotten much better. Please do not let fools like that ruin your time here. Even though I am leaving WA I think this place has a good people relationship (NOT WITH MGMT) they do not work with you like they say. But that is another issue but over all I think this is a good place to learn if you can get friend to help you and you do not over think things.

So to say GOOD BYE to ALL thanks for the tim,e here.

PS If you like to work with videos check out this new tool http://www.squidoo.com/EasyVideoPlayerRelease
David Bruce Premium
Please God, put me on this list.
mcstir Premium
I hope I'm not one of those.... LOL..... maybe you are not getting in touch with the right people? There are lots of us on WA who want to help!
Alex Copeland Premium
Good post and on the lines of what I have been thinking lately too... more and more this year so far I go into the forums and there are post upon post with bad attitudes and bad vibes. I'm no angel myself but I keep that to places it belongs... most the time :) Sad to say I have been thinking whether I really want to be part of something that is so negative at times but I think the good reasons to say wins out at the moment... each to their own and all that and I guess I don't have to read the posts but I still wish there wasn't quite so many of them at the moment!
valeri Premium
Good Post, I agree with you there and it's sad to see people like that in such an awesome and friendly community.

I happened to run in to a bit of a douche bag recently in my sandbox post, she knows who she is... lol