Posts by MaggieJo1 8
August 08, 2010
Okay...My computer finally got back from being repaired at Toshiba...Hopefully it is fixed correctly and will not give me anymore problems...the power of positive thinking <G> That said..It is now time for me to get back my training and get fully devoted to learning and putting into practice all that I learn.. I am always up to hearing/receiving feel free to share<G>  
July 21, 2010
Haven't been on in a new laptop bit the it has been back at Toshiba getting repaired...We shall see.... I am looking forward to continuining my education..and learning all I can..and of course implementing what I learn.. I have managed to jump online some while my computer is gone..thanks to friends...but I really want my own computer is just so much easier to do things on your own computer...So hopefully Toshiba will correctly repair or replace my laptop (I'm hopi
June 11, 2010
Is anyone else having problems finding time to do all that needs to be done...especially now that school is out and the kids are would think that a 15 year old and his friends could manage to fix a quick meal on their own...or maybe remember to brush their teeth or comb their hair without being reminded that those things are all part of daily hygene...did we forget hygene, just because school is out<G>...go figure...I am really begining to should be
June 02, 2010
Gee.... Somehow my membership got cancelled...Just discovered it when I went to sign on and seen the nice flag saying I had cancelled my membership... Went to PayPal to see what was going on there..and yes, my recurring payment was cancelled yesterday...and I wasn't even on the computer yesterday.... Oh least WA allowed me to reinstate my membership...though I did have to pay another montly fee ahead of time....and 17 least I am still locked into th
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Been a very busy last several days.....Haven't posted in a couple of days...been doing some training, and then got called away to help a I kinda let a couple of things go...but now it is past time to get back to doing what I need to do.... Thanks for everyone who keeps commenting and making suggestions...It does help to keep you wanting to succeed, not just for myself but for all who are supporting me... I find my thoughts are always coming back to WA during
Okay spent the day reading the forums and various short training sections..I must say the normal life somewhat interfered with my WA time today...but that I am sure is something that happens to us all. I am really trying to get everyone around me to realize I look at this as a Career and as such, I am working and not to bother me unless the house is on fire (okay maybe not that drastic, but close). I am sure it will take all of us a little time to adjust..but we will all get there
  Spent the day training, reading the forums. Also got some affiliate links out.. Tomorrow plan to continue training and looking into website and of course learning more....It has been fun and exciting reading the forums and seeing what everyone else is doing and learning from them. Tomorrow is another day....I look forwarded to it.. 
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Ok...been a busy much to learn....Just spent the day finding my way around the site...adding some buddies...posting some welcomes in the forum and of course starting the training plan...I can't can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...