My Life on Wealthy Affiliate - Day 3

Last Update: May 22, 2010

Okay spent the day reading the forums and various short training sections..I must say the normal life somewhat interfered with my WA time today...but that I am sure is something that happens to us all. I am really trying to get everyone around me to realize I look at this as a Career and as such, I am working and not to bother me unless the house is on fire (okay maybe not that drastic, but close). I am sure it will take all of us a little time to adjust..but we will all get there.

I really enjoyed reading the "Newbies, Avoid getting Overwelmed" short series by thesue. It is well written with a lot of good advice for all of us "Newbies". I highly recommend everyone read this short set of WA System tutorials.

Tomorrow is Saturday and the boys are all off to visit Six it will be a little more quiet and maybe I can make up for what I lost today 

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