Busy Summer

Last Update: June 11, 2010

Is anyone else having problems finding time to do all that needs to be done...especially now that school is out and the kids are home...you would think that a 15 year old and his friends could manage to fix a quick meal on their own...or maybe remember to brush their teeth or comb their hair without being reminded that those things are all part of daily hygene...did we forget hygene, just because school is out<G>...go figure...I am really begining to think..school should be year round...

But anyway, now that I have done my weekly complaint on the teenagers of today<G>. I will move on to WA and more training..I am finding that 3am is a good time to be online...the house is quiet, I have full use of the bandwidth.(don't have to share it with XBox live) and I can concentrate on what I need to...

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maureenhannan Premium
15 is a tough age...lots of parenting required in my experience...without any warm-fuzzies to speak of. I'm fond of late-night work myself...love when the house is quiet. Good luck!
jatdebeaune Premium
3AM is also my favorite time to work and not be interrupted, but you have to make sure you get enough sleep. Maybe you can put the kids to work with you. Can they write?