Posts by Mazza 2
Lazy... discouraged... THAT IS ENOUGH! My third month doesn't begin with money :-( Well... I guess "how much you give, that's how much you get". After so much enthusiasm during the first month, I have to admit that I've became lazy and maybe a little discouraged by my surrounding. Looks like my friends do not believe that working online is job and that actually brings a monthly income. Also, I've been reading posts from members about leaving WA - depressing. That's it! No more! Anyon
April 01, 2010
MONEY LOL My second month begins with good news and I want to share it with you. I promoted WA during the first 10 days in March, through my e-mail addresses, which I collected from my personal account and my Facebook account. I send 4 different promotional e-mails about WA. <?xml:namespace prefix = o> I wrote them by myself according to my inspiration at the time. This process took a lot of time (mind that I do not have autoresponder), so I decided to stop and continue studying. And guess