Money lol

Last Update: April 01, 2010


My second month begins with good news and I want to share it with you.

I promoted WA during the first 10 days in March, through my e-mail addresses, which I collected from my personal account and my Facebook account.

I send 4 different promotional e-mails about WA. <?xml:namespace prefix = o>

I wrote them by myself according to my inspiration at the time. This process took a lot of time (mind that I do not have autoresponder), so I decided to stop and continue studying.

And guess what?

Somebody used my link to subscribe as a member. I don’t know who the person is.

Only thing that I can think about is that and the end of each letter I asked people to send my WA link to their friends. So, maybe is somebody that I don’t know.

Here is one of e-mails that I wrote and be free to use it:


Career is not everything; your life is! Use this opportunity!!!


 ü You do not have to wake up with an alarm

 ü You do not have to finish you first coffee in 5 minutes, because you going to be late for work

 ü You do not have to get drenched, because you did not  see  a  weather forecast


 ü You do not have working time

 ü You do not have a boss

 ü You do not have  dead-line

 ü You work what do you want and how much you want

 ü You have a thousands of colleagues who hardly wait to help you out

 ü You have can have a lunch whenever you like

 ü You have can leave your workplace whenever you are in need and you do not have to tell anyone that you are going out

Possible? Of course!


Only if you work online.


So, take this opportunity and join us:

(your WA link)


P.S. This is not get-rich scheme, or pyramidal organization. This is real opportunity. Please forward this letter, if you think that someone else might be interested.


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jatdebeaune Premium
I want to sign up, but I'm already here. You hit all the hot buttons! Good.
Peter Riley Premium
Hi Vesna, Fantastic blog. i'm now inspired to offer all the positives to potential signups. The right words sell! Great job, Peter...
markymarkk Premium
Hi Marky here! Good for you! I share in your excitement! Now...let's conquer the world! :)