Lazy... discouraged... THAT IS ENOUGH!

Last Update: May 09, 2010

Lazy... discouraged... THAT IS ENOUGH!

My third month doesn't begin with money :-(

Well... I guess "how much you give, that's how much you get". After so much enthusiasm during the first month, I have to admit that I've became lazy and maybe a little discouraged by my surrounding. Looks like my friends do not believe that working online is job and that actually brings a monthly income. Also, I've been reading posts from members about leaving WA - depressing.

That's it!

No more!

Anyone can think whatever he or she wants.

I came here to learn and make living for myself and I am going to do that.

I am about to speed things up.


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Jamie Smith Premium
When I started IM I received lots of negative vibes from family and friends. Now that I do this full-time, they all brag about me. The best revenge is living well. Continue on your journey, you will be successful with the WA family worldwide. I sent you some WA Gold to get you headed down the right path making $$ online.
klrrider Premium
This happens to me all the time... am getting better at fighting it. So much negativity everywhere. My close friends and family have now taken an interest in what I am doing since a few $ are coming in. The rest are the same as usual. Ignore them is what I do... don't even bring it up anymore. Best wishes to you!
newwave1972 Premium
Well in the back of my mind I am kinda thinking that is why Kyle and Carson are jacking up the price of WA for new members. To weed out the weak and get rid of the slackers looking for it to happen with no effort. If you pay more for something you are either serious about doing it, or you are going to pay attention and really try. For the rest of us go getters who really want this we are getting it for a lower price if we stay. Good for us huh. Keep driving and if you need help we are always here.
Banta Premium
That's right! Making a living online takes patience and determination.
No one is promised a"Get Rich Quick" at WA. You definitely got
things that your are good or talented at. So take your time go through your schedule training. Marketing to friends is just putting
into practice something your learnt. That's means you're following
instructions and that's great in a learning curve. You got much to
achieve than convincing your friends about WA.

Best wishes.
jatdebeaune Premium
Don't pay any attention to people who are leaving WA. You don't know the real truth of their reasons for leaving. Still, it doesn't have anything to do with you. As for friends and family, ignore them too. To most people, the Internet seems like mining for gold during the California gold rush. They don't know anything and make destructive assumptions. Listen to your own drummer.