About Seedz Of Hope
Joined March 2010
Life presents problems which are challenges that come to test how I make choices. Wise choices along with experience make ME stronger. So I have learned that The Choices Today Effect my Reality tomorrow.

I have experienced the challenge of being expendable in the corporate world and I have always wanted to start an internet marketing business as a solution to the challenge of being expendable.

As of right now, my daily J.O.B. consists of helping others find jobs. This is very challenging due to the economy and working daily reinforces my desire to place high importance on pursuing personal success in myself and making sacrifices when it comes to setting aside recreational activities to learn and grow.

On my journey of my personal success, I have came across Wealthy Affiliate and I expect to see great results.

I am making that Change Now!!!!

Looking forward to growing with this community.
Seedz Of Hope's Accomplishments

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kadcpp Premium
Welcome to the WA family! Yes family, let me know if I can assist you.
kadcpp Premium
Take it as doses that you can comprehend, then go back and read material again as you will miss key points.
Seedz Of Hope Premium
Thank you....How do you keep from getting overwhelmed with all the information?
Seedz Of Hope Premium
This is my first time here using this site and I am very committed to my personal success to live a lifestyle of freedom.

Any suggestions is greatly appreciated. My goal is to earn at least and extra 1000.00 per month as a goal.

I am looking forward to success online and making a difference in the world financially in my community, country and the world.
sar3483 Premium
Hi Seedz Of Hope, welcome to WA. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything that I can do for you. Good luck!
sar3483 Premium
Hi Again. I haven't been here long but the best thing that I have found is to just start the lessons. Around the fourth lesson you will have learned the basics and they will start giving you step by step tasks to complete to get you where you want to be. There's so much to learn I decided not to rush it. Copy and paste the following link to see the blog I wrote on this.

I hope it helps!
Seedz Of Hope Premium
Hello. Fast response. I just joined an hour ago and looking at the training. What is the best way to get started and see results.

Thanks for the reply.
Seedz Of Hope Premium
Thank you. Very well said. I will keep this into consideration as I progress along.

Lets keep in touch.
Seedz Of Hope Premium
Choices today Effect my Reality tomorrow.

I am making that Change Now!!!!
Seedz Of Hope Premium
Choices today Effect my Reality tomorrow.

I am making that Change Now!!!!