My 1st web Site !

Last Update: January 30, 2010

Thanks to a fellow WA member (thx Roger!), who guided me in the right direction, I have my very 1st web site up. Tell me what you guys/gals think? Be easy on me, its my 1st site, many more to come....

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Micky Premium
Thanks everyone for the comments. Especially Roger, THANKS!
X2 Premium
Looks like you have been experimenting!

I like the changes.

Great job.

M-skeezy Premium
This is actually a nice site and the colors match the content feel.Congrats!
jon dark Premium
my name is jonathan, i'd like to know who you built your site with, plesk or site rubix, i built one with site rubix but can't connect my domain name to it...
do you know how to do that...
JimmyL Premium
If this is your first shot I think you did a great job. This website is informative, colorful and should get you a lot of business. I'm still struggling with everything as I am a newbe but hope I can get to where you are soon. Best of Luck to you.