My 2nd Site!

Last Update: February 06, 2010

Okay, today, I created my 2nd site,

 It took me a good part of the day,not yet polished off, but, heck, my 2nd site. Now it's time to write some articles....tell me what you guys think....

(thx Roger!)

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JimmyL Premium
That's amazing and so cool, guy. Everyone should check it out.
Micky Premium
took me 2 days, but I took a chunk of time trying to find the right template and finding the right wallpaper. I like to get the aesthetic looks done first, before I add my content, that's just me. But there was alot of valuable learning time I had put into this with a fellow WA member here (thanks Roger!)
woodyear99 Premium
Site looks good, how long did that take you to do?
Micky Premium
thanks, if u need help let me know, but im new too....
margaux25 Premium
Wow! Today is only my first day here at University but I am amazed at how well your 2nd site came out. That gives me confidence that I did the right thing in spending the monthly fee to be here.