Posts by Misshugh 6
In my opinion no, Not just anyone can become an internet marketer. If you are expecting to get rich within the first month, this is probably not the job for you. If you are someone who is under the misconception that internet marketing is something magical that you can put an hour a day into and become rich this isn't for you either. The fact is, things are not much different here than anywhere else in life. What I mean to say get out of life exactly what you put into it for the mos
June 19, 2012
I am hoping someone is able to help me. I have been having issues with my site for nearly a week! At this point I am not able to do much of anything on it. My biggest concern is that I do not have any codes when I switch to the html view. Things I have done previously show up with the code but anything I add does not. This is all very frustrating to say the least. I have taken some suggestions and tried deactivating my plug ins one by one, changing themes and changing browsers. None of this has
1 comment
June 14, 2012
Something went wrong while I was making my child Theme. I followed all of the directions exactly in the training. I am using the fire fox browser if that makes a difference. As I said I did everything the training said to do and it seems like I was able to create the theme because it shows up in my file manager but when I go into my word press/themes it is not there. Could someone please help before I make a real mess of things???
Today has been one of those teeth clenching days that I have spent rigid, hunched over my lap top, eyes crossed searching for answers only to find more questions. Anxiety is high and my progress is slow. Today's search has been about text wrapping. Two weeks ago I couldn't tell you what that term meant but with the help of one of the members I have gained a basic understanding.The discouraging part is when I finally think that I get something there is yet another twist.. I spent the bett
I began this journey almost a year ago. Mind you in the beginning I joined WA for a month then became overwhelmed and quite. For several months I dabbled in this and that to do with IM. A very slow process I must say. When the ten-day promotion started at WA I decided to take another look.I am so glad that I did! I absolutely love the new format because it is so easy to move around and access everything. All the while I feel very connected with the live chat and help is just a click away. It see
May 09, 2012
Internet Marketing is addicting. I joined WA last fall and accomplished a lot for the short time I was able to stay. I can only describe it like learning a new language. When I joined I knew absolutely nothing about IM.  since I have learned a little all I know is how much I have to learn. I understand the key to my success depends on two things. I learned a long time ago that most of lif'e's successes is about simply showing up. The second thing I need to do is tak