
Last Update: June 14, 2012
Something went wrong while I was making my child Theme. I followed all of the directions exactly in the training. I am using the fire fox browser if that makes a difference. As I said I did everything the training said to do and it seems like I was able to create the theme because it shows up in my file manager but when I go into my word press/themes it is not there. Could someone please help before I make a real mess of things???
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well since I'm new I will pray for you. I got took in by a company , who in turned got me for $75.00 to build me a website, It is a piece of crap, built for Europe and i do not know enough yet to fix it. Anyone who can help i will pay. Have a look see @ Worse I prepaid for this junk lol
Apina Premium
Though this is going off this post subject, $75 is not much money at all, most cheap web designers charge about the $300 mark and I for one charge higher than that. The site at first glance looks ok for $75 - and content can be changed, that bit is up to you not the designer.
Apina Premium
Im just keeping this updated, in case others find this thread useful.

Theme Name: Twenty Ten Child
Theme URI:
Description: Child theme for the Twenty Ten theme
Author: (removed)
Template: twentyten

@import url("../twentyten/style.css");

this is the code used in the child themes style.css and it seems fine. I have asked Misshugh to check the folder is named correctly and in the right place.
Apina Premium
Well, without seeing the code its a little difficult to say. I would double check that you have added the right code to the style.css file and that you have made it a different name and added the template part. Also, recheck your themes, if you just copied over the screenshot image file as well you could be scanning past it thinking its the original theme (yes I have done that...) If no joy, email me the code at and I'll have a look.
Apina Premium
Have you added the right code to the CSS file? I have an article on them here
misshugh Premium
I followed the instructions in a training called "Adjusting the look of your website with css and child Themes." I simply wanted to do updated in word press but was suggested to do this child theme first. I am quite new and also very confused at this point. I am worried that I may have done something in the file manager to mess things up. Is there any way I can remove the file I created if I can find it in there? Thanks
kyle Premium Plus
Nice walkthrough Dean!
Apina Premium
Thanks Kyle
misshugh Premium
I will take a look at your article. Hopefully I can figure out what to do with whatever I already created. Thanks for the help!
misshugh Premium
Hi Dean,
Back again...I read your article and found this is exactly the process which I followed the only difference is the training I followed created the child theme right in the file manager.
I can find the theme I created in the manager but when I go to word press it isn't there. Do you have any suggestions of where I may have gone wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
kyle Premium Plus
Are you trying to install a theme manually? I am not sure exactly what you are trying to do here?

You should not need to go into your file manager to upload a theme...your initial install using the Website creation tool here at WA will take care of the entire install, no FTP required.
misshugh Premium
Hi Kyle,
I am trying to create a child theme because some updates I need to do for word press recommended that I do this. I followed a training here called, " Adjusting the look of your website with css and child themes." I followed the directions that are in this training but when I finished I could not find it as an option in my themes. You will need to look at the training to understand what I did. I am very new and besides not being able to do my word press updates...because I couldn't create the child theme...I am worried that I may have messed something up in my file manager. Any help would be appreciated.
kyle Premium Plus
Check out Dean's tutorial (above) as it walks through the process of creating a child theme. I personally don't use child themes, but it is definitely beneficial if you are making CSS changes to your theme and regularly updating your Wordpress version.