Can Anyone Be An Internet Marketer?

Last Update: August 10, 2012
In my opinion no, Not just anyone can become an internet marketer. If you are expecting to get rich within the first month, this is probably not the job for you. If you are someone who is under the misconception that internet marketing is something magical that you can put an hour a day into and become rich this isn't for you either. The fact is, things are not much different here than anywhere else in life. What I mean to say get out of life exactly what you put into it for the most part. Many people have tried over the years to make that statement false and not surprising most have failed. What it all comes down to is hard work, a willingness to learn and dedication. This is what most always paves the road to success.
I have been around for a little more than three months and today I am still on day 20 of the 30 day success program. Is it because I haven't applied myself or put the time into it? Hardly, I have invested eight hours a day most days. The fact is I learn the way I learn which may be different than you. I have used the 30 day program as a guide and on many occasions I have traveled off the path. The important thing is that each and every day I've been here I have learned something new. Don't think just because I learned something that it completely sunk in. I may have to repeat the action several times before I actually get it. You see, I am not twenty anymore and frustrating as it may be sometimes it takes a little longer. I always come back to the program when I am satisfied that I have learned what I set out to learn though. I don't recommend that everyone do this, it's just how it has worked for me.
On day twenty we're supposed to talk about what we have learned. When I started here I barely knew what internet marketing was and today I've still got a long ways to go. Am I satisfied with my progress? I would have to say yes, I am. In fact, I am absolutely amazed at the things I can do compared to three months ago.
Besides all of the technical and how to stuff, I have learned there are some pretty nice people here. Although they don't gain anything personally they're always ready to help or answer any questions I have. This is a very unique place where it is easy to succeed if you have the desire and the patience. Is it always easy? No, as a matter of fact there was about a solid month where I quit every night but I got up the next day and started over. My point is if you want to be an internet marketer and you have realistic expectations with a willingness to learn coupled with a little patience you can be a success. I plan to be!
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BIS Premium
You don't give yourself enough credit for what you've achieved. You have a nice site that is up and running and is growing and improving all the time. Stick at it and traffic will start growing and I have no doubt that you will start to make money because you have the right attitude - a willingness to keep learning and a great deal of patience.

Stick at it.

misshugh Premium
Thank you Beverly, You have been an enormous help and inspiration. It is people like you who make this place work.
misshugh Premium
Thanks, I appreciate the confidence, some days I don't have much of my own. It's always nice to have a little on reserve.
Labman_1 Premium
Great attitude, keep at it....I'm sure you will go far.
misshugh Premium
Thanks, it's tough sometimes but it is worth it!
garethb Premium
I couldn't have said this better.