Posts by Mjclarkson 4
Well, you don't work, you don't earn. After getting launched, yours truly did two wrong things: I tried to take the shortcut to leverage my first wins -- that did not work. My computer crashed.  Almost as if to tell me that slow and steady wins the race, my PC rebelled against me and lost a ton of data, that I am just now completing fixing.  Well, lesson learned: Follow my plan, use the resources at WA and quit trying to throw Hail Mary's.  We'll see how thi
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January 13, 2010
I am cautiously excited. I signed up in August 2009. Then, I found excuses to put this off. Well, after my last trip to the UK, I decided to get serious for 12 months with WA. Even while I am fine tuning the Super Affiliate sites and my own personal niches, I found some Clickbank products to promote with the CB Analysis Tool. In two days, 2- $45 sales. $90 in two days with highly leveraged effort. That’s 2 ½ months of WA paid off in two days…or $16,700 if I do this every day for the year.
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January 11, 2010
Well, I did it! I spent last week doing training. I spent the weekend doing analysis. AND NOW, I am launcing my affiliate marketing business. I am excited to learn more and, ideally, have success! I just launched one of the STF sites and I feel that even if this fails, I will know why it did. And if it succeeds, then I will know that too. January 11, 2010: Day One of my new life!  
My name is Michael Clarkson.  I want something better. For the past 20 years, I have been both in Corporate America and owned my own business.  I loved both. I traveled the world on business and stayed in Denver. I loved both.  I was single until age 37, then got married.  I loved both. I sought divorce at age 41 and I loved THAT even more!!  In short, I have had a blessed life with great parents, a great family and a better than average lifestyle.  However,