Threw Hail Mary's - Result: Stalled my Business

Last Update: January 20, 2010

Well, you don't work, you don't earn.

After getting launched, yours truly did two wrong things:

  1. I tried to take the shortcut to leverage my first wins -- that did not work.
  2. My computer crashed.  Almost as if to tell me that slow and steady wins the race, my PC rebelled against me and lost a ton of data, that I am just now completing fixing. 

Well, lesson learned: Follow my plan, use the resources at WA and quit trying to throw Hail Mary's. 

We'll see how this next week goes with the right approach!

Wish me luck!




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marlun Premium
Your lucky , I lost my mother to colon cancer , lost my job looking after my dad, was a UPS driver,made 65k .went belly up.