My Journey to Freedom Starts...

Last Update: January 06, 2010

My name is Michael Clarkson.  I want something better.

For the past 20 years, I have been both in Corporate America and owned my own business.  I loved both. I traveled the world on business and stayed in Denver. I loved both.  I was single until age 37, then got married.  I loved both. I sought divorce at age 41 and I loved THAT even more!! 

In short, I have had a blessed life with great parents, a great family and a better than average lifestyle.  However, it ALL lacked one thing: Emancipation from location.  Emancipation from subordination.

In a world were people can reach me in an office, in an airport, or halfway around the world, I felt that no matter where I went Blackberry's buzzed, beckoning me and demanding my attention.

In December 2009, I flew to the UK to visit family and to atttend to the personal business needs of an ailing mother who is chemotherapy. Lo and behold, on Christmas Eve as presents were being placed under the tree, my phone rang from a client who NEEDED something THAT MINUTE. That's the same client that sat on their hands for the past 2 years. 

That turned out not to be a client call, but a WAKE UP CALL!!!

Well, even though I signed up for WA about 4 months ago and did nothing with it, I decided AS SOON as I got back to the US, I would make my first resolution of 2010 to be to be fully emancipated from Blackberry's and phone cords within one year.

I will be blogging about my journey and sharing my progress.  I am excited to learn from you and hopefully become smart enough to give back what I learn. 

Please join me on the way to being free!


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