First Street Article Published!!!

Last Update: August 07, 2012
A minor milestone, I know.

One of but a million more to come.

But, man, it feels good!

40 some' views already and it was just published today!

Now, if I were a different man I would try to shamelessly plug my article, invite
you all to read it, and give some honest feedback and constructive criticism.

But, no! I wouldn't dare soil the integrity of this fine institution by asking you to read
my very first SA article or by throwing around links to it!

Oh, no.

I wouldn't dare.

But if you were to stumble upon it.... who's to stop you?

Thanks in advance for your comments and as always

Have a great day!!!

*Disclaimer* the website that the article is linked to is 'under construction'. Watch out for falling debris.
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anindochk Premium
Congrats! Keep up the good work! :)
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Thanks :D
Shawn Martin Premium
here are your results on your article. Not bad for the first article! Just get that landing page up to snuff and keep writing!
BIS Premium
Hi, the rules of SA say that the 'landing page' ie the page you link to should have a minimum of 250 words. The content should also offer added value to your visitors.
Mr.Niceguy Premium
My next free day from my offline job is tommorrow, or today, i guess( it's 1am in Chicago right now). I'll put that first thing on my 'to do' list. Thanks Beverley
BIS Premium
I enjoyed your article - it was very funny.

Just an aside - you're lucky it got through with that link because it falls outside the SA rules - so be careful. Needs to be a minimum of 250 words. Also in the future make sure that you always maximise your links. You only have one and you could have had two.

Well done for getting the first article written.

Mr.Niceguy Premium
You're right about the two links, but I saw no need to include 2 links to an incomplete website. Truth be told, I debated wether or not to add a link at all. And by 250 words, are you referring to the homepage of the website? I actually plan on changing the content of the homepage completely.