Where has the time gone?

Last Update: August 18, 2012
3 weeks into WA
4 SA articles
Author Rank 323 @ the time of this post
230+ article views
10% CTR and falling(been spending alot of time revamping website & no time writing)
40 new high quality KW's today (thanks Jaaxy)
4 FB fanpage friends
As many Twitter followers (my affiliate product's company is following me LOL)
1st,2nd,3rd,&5th 1st page QSR listings
55 site views
21 click throughs to affiliate page
0 sales
and a partridge in a pear tree

Sorry, but I kinda lost a sense of time these past few weeks and have to remind myself that I might actually be making some progress.

1 am and a couple hours until work. (YAWN) Good night.
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Shawn Martin Premium
Nice work, and yes you are making progress!
Adrian66 Premium
Hey Mr. NiceGuy, congrats on all your success so far. You really are putting a lot of work in, and before long you'll see great results, so keep at it. Will be great to hear more and take a look at your site when listed. It's around 4pm here in Australia, so I'll then be sleeping by the time you read this LOL, Adrian :))