WA 10 Day Trial Day 2

Last Update: July 30, 2012

Hakuna Matata, WA!

Mr. Niceguy here with part 2 of my WA 10 day trial review!

Although all resources are not available to trial members the best starting point as well as WA's own suggested starting point is the Your First 10 Days training module. This module walks the newly initiated IMer (internet marketer) through basic understandings of the foundations of affiliate marketing. What it is, how it works, finding a niche(or target market), web site creation, keyword research, etc. etc.

For those completely new to IM these 1 page tutorials are little more than intros to various aspects of the field followed by simple exercises that can be completed easily. Cleverly
designed to wet the whistle and get the prospective student wanting (and honestly needing) more. An unspoken call to action to become premium members.
Very clever, Kyle.

In addition to the actual content of each article, new members should also note the format of each article as well. Which words are bold or italic.

Spacing of paragraphs.

Font size and color.

When and where "power" words are used.

Links to other articles and sites.
This level of attention should be given to all forms of marketing (online and off) from now on, especially those that are most intriguing to you.

And why do I bring this up?

1)Because these are the subtleties that must be mastered in order to replicate the process and you will have to replicate the process wether marketing through articles, email, blogs...

2)Honestly, if you aren't a premium member... you want to be, right? Coincidence? Not likely. I know I do.

But I digress.

This post is intended primarily for trial members who do not have access to certain tutorials, resourses, or the forum and as a new member myself I've found a few gliches in the Matrix, so to speak.

One being, it seems keyword research should come before buying a domain name or building a website. After all, how can you effectively optimise your website or find a prime domain name without understanding keywords? I could be wrong and if I am, let me know!

My main sticking point in day two is niche research. DMOZ seems like an okay source and they say that a niche can be anything and all niches generate traffic. Okay. I buy that. Now what? I've found several niches so far. One that I can see myself sticking with as a starting point.

And now Mr. Niceguy's Call to Action!!!

Calling all Pros!!!

Help us newbies by sharing your experiences with niche success. For example, if your first profitable niche was not your first chosen niche, what made the difference?

Or, if the "perfect" niche isn't really the determining factor, what is? Website? Articles? Traffic generation?

All comments are welcome, but please keep in mind that this info is intended for trial members( such as myself ) who cannot access the forums or certain other resources.

Also, I humbley ask that comments be based on personal experiences of success and not a third party testimonial. Although directions to relevant and accessible tutorials are welcome.

Calling all newbies!!!

What are your sticking points so far? This is a day two review but that doesn't mean you have to be a second day student or simply reviewing day two of the Your First 10 days training module. Let's be pro-active and work together to understand the process and overcome obstacles! Let your

voice be heard and comment!

Until next time, have a fantastic day and be well ; )

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nightowlpc Premium
Welcome to WA hope you stick a round. The only biggest problem I see here is their are so many member that the newbies can not find you between all the white noise. You've made some good points.
Mr.Niceguy Premium
Good point. My plan is to regularly introduce myself to new members as they come in(as is common courtesy) and invite them to share their experiences and obstacles. Also, I don't think it's an unusual thing to comment on your WA buddys' blog posts. Hopefully word will spread. I have my fingers crossed