I'm stuck and confused

Last Update: March 23, 2012

Every day I read reviews about Internet Marketing. There are so many different sites to earn money online. I, myself, was looking for the right site for soooo looong and found this as the most promising so I joined and I gave half the money I had for membership.

Every now and then I ask myself if I did the right choice joining, is this the right "job" for me, am I smart enough to get through all of the steps, will I ever own website that will earn me some money... I'm really struggling and often I am very frustrated. Also I'm stuck on day 10 when I should be on day 15. I just realized that I still don't know how to use keywords properly. I have a problem with language and English grammar and that is slowing me down a lot, too. I wonder if there is anyone else who had hard time in the beginning like I do?

To finish my misery for today I found some research about WA memebers. The research said: "More than 50% of WA members didn't earn a dime and they have been memebers for more than a year." Who are those people? Is that even truth? If it is why didn't they earn any money? Were they lazy or this is just not the right thing for them?



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Nalichka Premium
All of this comments are a true motivation. Thank you all! :)
Deezdz Premium
Your feelings are normal and I'm sure all of us have felt this way at one time or another. I always remind myself...success is hanging on when others have already let go..
jatdebeaune Premium
Think of this business as long range. Don't inhibit yourself with timelines. Some people catch on fast, and some take forever, or it seems that way. You can be a tortoise or a hair. Both reach the goal. If you feel like giving up, that's normal too. I must have given up at least 500 times during this process of learning IM. Giving up is a nice safety valve. Keeps you from going nuts. Just stick it out, and things will come together for you. They'll even start to seem easy. You might need someone to edit your articles for grammar and language issues. You can even ask a friend to do it, native English speaking friend. Go at your own pace and ask lots of questions in the forum. Don't give up unless you absolutely hate IM. I suspect that's not the case.
Labman_1 Premium
It is probably right that 50% of those that come here don't make it. To get there you need to put yourself out there, learn the terms and processes and take action. The interesting thing about that statistic is that 95% of the people that don't come in here and try to do IM never make any money. So, you are way ahead of the game just by being here. I've been here for a bit and have to say that my stay here has brought some results. So, at least I'm in the 5%. Each day is another learning experience. When I stop learning, I'll be pushing up the Daisies. Feel free to PM me or post in the Forums, someone will be sure to help if the question can be helped. We even have some non-native English speakers here.(EzineWriter) Don't second guess yourself, you ARE in the right place.
letuk Premium
Congrats....on page one of Google you must be making money. What did you do? Please can I see a copy of your article that put you on page one? I dont know where to start.
the filbert Premium
Hi, I believe "you get out what you put in"...if you spend the time and effort to learn the "right" way, you will succeed. I think of WA like a university...university courses go 4 years! i havent covered my costs/memberships yet...but plan to. Best choice in my opinion is the chat feature here and take action. do something every day, no matter how small. build your knowledge, then implement it. Happy to help where I can, I am not that far in front of you, only really got serious in november...just got my first website to page 1 of google. pm if you need help or see you on chat!