On my way up...or I hope so

Last Update: March 13, 2012

I've had many disappointments in my life. And as you may assume, many of them envolved money. There is always to little. Never enough to pay everything I need to pay every month. Looking for a job, taking a job, changing job and again looking and so on, and so on. Never happy with where I am. I need somethin solid. And after all my experience working almost everywhere at the age of 25 I decided it is time to make a huge change. 

I lost my job recently and no matter how hard I tried to find a new one it isn't working. I'm gonna give it another shot tomorrow by visiting "job fair" (don't know if I translated it ok, but hope you understand). I am ready to work and to work hard. But I hate getting up early, going to some work I don't like, staying there almost whole day, working my ass off and getting paid so badly.

I'm new here at WA and I'm still learning. There is so much information and the last couple of days I spend on my computer with WA. Getting up just to feed my pets, myself and go to the bathroom. After just 5 days I am addicted to WA. Hopefully my "addiction" will go well and make my life better.

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Deezdz Premium
I'm routing for you Nalichka! Anything is possible if you want it bad enough and don't give up.