About Nikkole
Joined June 2009
HELLO EVERYONE!!! My name is Nikkole. I'm a newbie here at WA and am very excited to be a member. Before I signed up on WA I had very little idea about what I was supposed to be doing, but after starting the 8 week course and reading some of the Learning material my understanding went up TENFOLD! I am excited to start putting my time and efforts into this because I know it will all be worth it. I have great faith in this Internet marketing opportunity, and I believe it has true potential, unlike the 20 other work from home opportunities I have tried and failed miserably at!! I can't wait to get started making new friends, and best of all..MONEY!!
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xSKYK1Dx Premium
Good luck, and I hope you have a nice birthday tomorrow.
Nikkole Premium
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! Good luck to you too!!!
novascottie Premium
Hi Nikkole...welcome to WA. You are among many friends who have also tried about 20 other programs, been scammed and burned. I think WA is the real thing......what a refreshing change. I'm in Nova Scotia......almost neighbours! Keep in touch and we can compare notes as we progress with WA.
Nikkole Premium
Hello Canadian Neighbour!! Thanks for the "niche" welcome :-)
I have been reading up on all the the learning material, spending almost 8 hrs a day reading and trying to set up Squidoo lenses. I don't have a job right now so I'm hoping that putting my full-time effort into this will get me where I want to be. My goals aren't un-attainable in any way considering I'm only aiming to make between $1000-$2000/month...anything more then that is just gravy!! Lets please keep in touch and share our successes and failures with each other. I haven't made and profits yet but it takes time so I'm being patient, as we all should. Ciao for now!
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Nikkole,

We started almost at the same time. I find there is an awful lot to learn in week 2, but I'm excited about having an exact plan to follow. Like you I didn't get anywhere with a whole bunch of work from home opportunities and lost money rather than making any.

I'll add you to my buddy list and we can compare notes as we progress.

Internetgranny Premium
I was inspired to write down my goals when I saw Kirst's list with several - 'DONE' next to them. Since she is proof of what's doable I based my goals on hers.

Happy reading!
Internetgranny Premium
Hello Nikkole,

Have a lovely birthday tomorrow! Yours will be a bit special - 25. It's a lovely round number, so you can plan what you want your life to be like in 1 year, 5 years...

All the best
Internetgranny Premium
Hi again Nikkole,

Sorry I misunderstood - so when you really turn 24 you'll have to change it again. But being 24 is even better!!! A year younger! How wonderful - you'll understand when you're my age. And 24 is even better for setting goals. You can set your 1 year goal, make sure you do your best to achieve it, and then you'll have the experience to set realistic and achievable goals for the next 5 years.
Wishing you lots and lots of success! And, once again, a happy birthday.
Internetgranny Premium
Have just given you some 'birthday gold' - it's not going to make you rich overnight, but think of it as a start!
Nikkole Premium
Hey Isabella. Yeah we are definitely in the same boat. Right now all we can do is read, read and read some more, which I actually don't mind cause I'm picking up on the content pretty well and it can actually be fun. The goals you have set are very admirable and I wish you the best of luck in attaining them ALL! I have to set goals too, you've inspired me to write them down as you have. Yes let's keep in touch and share our progress with each other. You are added as a Buddy!!
Nikkole Premium
Thanks for the Birthday Wishes, you're very sweet! I'm actually turning 24 not 25. My bad, I guess I worded it wrong, just changed it. But 24 is still a great age to set my 1-5 year goals. I am working on it.! Hope all is going well. Thanks again!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Well let me be the first comment then ;-) Welcome to WA Nikkole!
DavidSchmidt Premium
Actually doing very well! How about you? Are you getting the hang of things?
DavidSchmidt Premium
Yes, things are going very very well so far. I am into week 3 and a few sales. But like, you I want to do it right, get it semi automated and keep going ;) So far so good!
Nikkole Premium
I'm doing great so far thanks. No sales yet but it's early. I'm working on reading through all of the great material, tutorials and lessons before I really put time into my articles. I want to make sure I do things right so I can be successful. How are you finding it? Have u made any sales yet??
blustraggler Premium
Happy Birthday!!!!
blustraggler Premium
Hey Nikkole!!! Things are coming along quite well. Sometimes it takes time to develop a certain mindset but once you do its harder to go back to the previous way of thinkiing or doing things. Anyways...I will talk to you soon. Take care!!!
Nikkole Premium
Thanks for the Birthday wishes!! How are you? Have you been successful with your IM endevours?