About Lovin_life67
Joined January 2010
My name is Kristy Emmert. The internet marketing bug bit me a couple of years ago when I saw someone that I used to go to school with. I ask, "What do you do?" He goes, "I have an internet business." He goes on to say, "I'm moving to Florida" and he didn't seem to have a care in the world. After he left I thought, "I want an internet business". So ever since then I've been reading, learning and studying internet marketing stuff. All the training seemed so expensive and I didn't really know how to get started. So when I came across Wealthy Affiliate a couple of months ago (12/09), I thought "This looks really good." So I did my research and here I am. I am learning so much. This is a great place to be for anyone who wants to learn internet marketing and also any internet marketer who would like all the tools in one place. I am looking forward to making money with this and helping others do the same.
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lovin_life67 Premium
Learning so much. This is Awesome!
VictoriaNTC Premium
You look so happy!
How do you like WA?
lovin_life67 Premium
Hi Victoria,
I love WA. I am learning so much.
treefella Premium
Hey I'm new too but I've come on since last week, good luck to you and all the best!
lovin_life67 Premium
Thank you....I'm pretty new too. Good luck to you too.
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello there, Welcome to WA!
lovin_life67 Premium
Thank you. Glad to be here.
lovin_life67 Premium
Hello Fellow WA People,
I just got started a couple of weeks ago here at WA. I'm looking forward to building relationships with you and working together building out online business'. This sure is a great place. Lots of information. Sometimes overwhelming.