Posts by OnlineFactory 2
July 06, 2011
My internet connection wasn't working last night.  It came back this morning, thank goodness. I sometimes think I can't even figure out the weather without looking it up. It's just part of life to check things on the web. So I didn't get the lens up, which was my goal yesterday. I did get some copy written. Today I'll focus on content for the lens and articles to go with it. To break up the writing, I'll work on the lens--I want another picture or two and it's fun tweaking how it will look
1 comment
July 05, 2011
Focus--I have a problem with it. I've decided to use my WA blog as an accountability partner. Today I'm going to: finish up writing the content for a Squidoo lens, and get the lens online. write two articles and submit them to Street Articles sign up at Fiverr  with a gig to search the web sign up at Fiverr with a gig to write articles That should keep me busy!  Good luck to all with your Internet Marketing tasks today, folks!