Get that lens up!

Last Update: July 06, 2011

My internet connection wasn't working last night.  It came back this morning, thank goodness. I sometimes think I can't even figure out the weather without looking it up. It's just part of life to check things on the web.

So I didn't get the lens up, which was my goal yesterday. I did get some copy written.

Today I'll focus on content for the lens and articles to go with it. To break up the writing, I'll work on the lens--I want another picture or two and it's fun tweaking how it will look.

My new deadline is Sunday to have the lens up and articles submitted. Yesterday's task list was a bit ambitious  for the time I have to devote to this. It was actually a week's worth of tasks, not one day's worth.

I think that's an ongoing weakness I need to be aware of--over scheduling.

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angib88 Premium
You can do it!!