
Last Update: July 05, 2011

Focus--I have a problem with it. I've decided to use my WA blog as an accountability partner.

Today I'm going to:

  • finish up writing the content for a Squidoo lens, and get the lens online.
  • write two articles and submit them to Street Articles
  • sign up at Fiverr  with a gig to search the web
  • sign up at Fiverr with a gig to write articles

That should keep me busy!

 Good luck to all with your Internet Marketing tasks today, folks!

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ijs182 Premium
Hey, I actually made a list of 4 things I wanted to get done today for the first time. I found it really helped me and I actually completed all my tasks and some more!! Keep up the goodwork!!
OnlineFactory Premium
Nice to meet you too, Florence! Yeah, there's so much to do and so many interesting sidetracks. The world of overwhelm. Good luck to both of us!
florence Premium
wow!! I need focus as well. I get lost with so much information and I am still trying to build my webpage. I've got stuck at WP last vídeo that shows just 3 pages that we should do... On the 3rd day course it says that I should have already my Privacy policy and so on... and I still don't know how to build it. In fact I do not like the template that I am using.. and I've tried others that has too much columms and so on... Well as you can see... I have to focus. Nice too meet you.