I feel I should be doing better by now.

Last Update: October 06, 2009

I have been learning about Squidoo and making lenses with Pot Pie Girl's information. Learning about and making backlinks. Writing articles and blogging some. Now I'm ready to get back into my Wealthy Affiliate course for a few days. This is the only way I can keep from getting confused and panicking.

I learn a technique, take a break and implement it somewhere else. I need to find out how everyone organizes their work to speed things up.  

I would love to be one of these people who is always helping others but I'm just not that confident in what I know right now.  I wouldn't want to tell anyone wrong.  Well that is a goal of mine to be able to help others but right now I need to earn so I have to keep focusing on what I'm learning and doing.

Everyone have a great internet marketing adventure!  This is really exciting. 

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