Sadly I have to say Goodbye!

Last Update: December 16, 2009

 I just wanted to say goodbye to all my buddies.  I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   That is my way of saying I wish you all the best no matter what holiday you celebrate.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year is my tradition.

I'm not quitting internet marketing, I've learned a lot here.  I'll be back when I am making consistent sales and can support my membership with my marketing.


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Honey Premium
Good Luck to you!
Louise M. Premium
I'm sorry to hear that but I do hope you'll succeed and I hope to see you again !!

Merry Christmas to you ! :)
StorminNorman Premium
Merry Christmas to you as well. And may God keep you and your family safe, happy and blessed not only this holiday season but always. Be sure to keep swingin away at the obstacles in your path. It's like chopping down a BIG tree. Just when you think you have exhausted your muscles and can't take another stroke with your axe you reach deep down and grab the last ounce of strength - swing the axe and the tree falls. IM is like chopping down that BIG tree and seems like a daunting task you'll never finish but keep chopping. Soon the tree will fall. God gave David the strength to slay Goliath, will He not give you the strength you need to slay your giant as well? Hope to see you back here soon with your success story :-)
R-L-Atch Premium
Sorry to see you go, but hope to see you back real soon! All the best to you and your family... Merry Christmas!

PotPieGirl Premium
Best of luck to you, sweetie! and hope to see you real soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, too!
