About Ourbiz
Joined May 2009
I'm a wife, mother of three and grandmother of 10.

I've been trying to get into internet marketing for about four years. I've studied, bought e-books, promoted e-books tried blogging all to no avail. I've made twenty dollars here and thirty dollars there. Keeping everything going has cost me more than I've made. I knew I just needed a good system. I believe this Wealthy Affiliate will be the one that will help me to succeed. . I've learned how to use Site Rubix, I'm doing the Bum Marketing method. I've written several articles and I have Squidoo lenses.

My husband was laid off twice in the last six months. He has been a hard working man all of our married life. Forty one years. I would love to surprise him with an income that would meet or exceed what he made every week. I would like to provide for him now.
Ourbiz's Accomplishments

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1courage Premium
Hello Ourbiz, thanks for your response about my trouble with Squidoo. I didn't actually get to submit the article. The trouble came in the early stages when I entered the keywords. They didn't like my keywords. However, I will make sure I don't have too many links. Thanks for the warning. Glad to meet you.
ourbiz Premium
Thanks Kyle for the info about the data base error being fixed. I knew you guys would get to it quickly. This is the best membership I have ever bought. If I have a question I can look through the forum or the training materials and I usually find the answer. There is still comfort in knowing that I can always ask you or Carson or Marcus or anyone in the forum for that matter. Have a great day and thank you again.
ourbiz Premium
My site to promote Wealthy Affiliate is up at http://ourownhomebiz.com/index.html. I appreciate all comments. Have a great day!
ourbiz Premium
I finally learned how to use Site Rubix! I've been busy writing articles for my niche. That was a hard decision since I am really interested in so much. Oh well, one thing at a time.
ourbiz Premium
The more I read here at WA the more I know I've made the right decision by joining.
ourbiz Premium
Well I've not finished setting up STF but I did get a number on position on Google for an article I wrote about another product not related to WA. I couldn't have done it without Wealthy Affiliate instructions. I'm glad I found them.
ourbiz Premium
I'm feeling overwhelmed and confused. I need help but I really don't know what I need. Is that crazy?
I keep jumping from one thing to another. I know I need to focus! How do I do that with everything going on around me?
ourbiz Premium
I've been busy with grandchildren a few days. WA has been on my mind continually. The interruption couldn't be helped. I have a couple of days to focus then I'll have to break again. Things will get better after school starts I will have a lot more time. I'm anxious to set up my WA affiliate sites on my hosting account if I can figure it out. Well here they are again, I'll be back after awhile Lord willing.