Posts by Pete S 7
May 06, 2011
 I have now read through alot of the Training Material here and have many ideas bouncing around in my head. I am a Business Admin Major so I my true talents lie in the seeing the "Big Picture" and "Putting Together The Right Team of People" to accomplish my visions. I'm getting somewhat close (1-2 months out) to getting my site ready (outsourcing it - my tech skills aren't that great yet) and then will probably go the PPC route as I have the resources to do this. In
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April 29, 2011
I posted this in the forum earlier, but for those of you not there often I figured I'd blog it as well.  Have a great day  ! ! !  As I was awakened early this am by the smell of coffee because my wife had been up since 3:00am watching the "Royal Wedding" I had a cup of coffee with her and watched too. My mind works in mysterious ways but I did notice several things that I found interesting. #1. Congrats to them, they make a good couple, I hope they hav
April 28, 2011
Well I'm now coming up on two weeks at WA and time for my personal recap. Have a site (actually have several) Note: domain name purchasing is easy; however, getting the site to actually look the way you want it to and function the way you want it is not as easy, LOL.  I am having FTP Upload problems with both the WA and CuteFTPle. Probably something so darn simple, but it still makes me want to hire a programmer so I can move on with some of my hair i
April 22, 2011
Published my 1st Resource here, put it in the wrong categorie at 1st so republished in the right one. It's not much but since i started navigating WA that way I'm picking up steam now. If you want to take a look "Click Here" (Nothing for sale just a WA Helper Post) Please rate and write a comment, I appreciate the feedback and hope it helps. I've decided not to do a daily "Blog" in WA but will recap every week or so.  So far, I've found some promising Niches, got
April 19, 2011
So day 3 and still having issues putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  Must admit I spent most of the time I devoted to IM today networking with other members (reading profiles and building my Buddy Network). Although this has nothing to do with getting my pages right, I felt it was important to find role models and IMer's to look to for advice as I need it.  It's not that I can't or won't do the IM work, I (like everyone else here) have other reponsibilities in life an
April 19, 2011
Ok, Day two, I should be a webmaster by now, LOL. Didn't do the Article writing, spent more time browesing WA getting familar and reading other members post/experiences here.  Found Potpiegirl posts to be some of the best. TY for the inspiration.  Made my attempt at getting some content onto my new page (that went poorly - so I'm not sharing the address yet) .  Keep plugging and chugging through information, learning as I go.  I need to get honed in on a p
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April 19, 2011
Ok time to commit to creating an online business.  Recently purchased another program and just got my refund after trying there for apprx 1 week.  I won't mention the name, just moving on.  WA seems like a wealth of information and is somewhat overwhelming at 1st.  Spent about 8 hours looking at various lessons and getting familiar with the WA interface.  Tried some niche research and bought a domain.  Still getting used to interface.  I am techically