Royal Lessons in IM

Last Update: April 29, 2011

I posted this in the forum earlier, but for those of you not there often I figured I'd blog it as well.  Have a great day  ! ! ! 

As I was awakened early this am by the smell of coffee because my wife had been up since 3:00am watching the "Royal Wedding" I had a cup of coffee with her and watched too. My mind works in mysterious ways but I did notice several things that I found interesting.

#1. Congrats to them, they make a good couple, I hope they have an eternal and happy marriage. Money does not gaurantee their happiness, but choosing the right partner does. As IM-ers we must always choose our business partners carefully as well. WAU is my first choice as my IM Learning Partner and I am happy with the decision.

#2. It is nice to see such a large and happy group of people behaving in a civilized manner and celebrating with the Royals. As Im-ers we should all strive to make our potential customers, existing customers, and followers as excited about our offerings as these people are to have participate in this special event.

#3. My wife was so excited to watch that she didn't mind getting up so early at all, she has even been looking forward to it for weeks (like 2 Billion other people). That is the type of excitement I want to create for all of my potential customers while doing my IM. I believe that acheiving this goal is a surefire way to my success (even though my budget is much smaller- LOL)

#4. I also found it interesting that while the police were escorting the balcony viewers (in an orderly fashion) to the palace that this place was built a long time ago but was designed to "Brand The Royal Family" and reinforce their family's stature. Did anyone else notice all the flags in every shot while they marched? I know that may sound strange and like there is no connection to IM but I think there might be; If we as IM-ers continually Brand Ourselves as Honest, Intelligent and Organized people I am sure we will enjoy a more successful careers in IM. Also, by having each video shot reflecting their "branding" it helped tie things together for their audience. We should be doing the same with our site designs, your audience is sure to appreciate and show you that they do with more orders and referals.

Just my thoughts ($ .02) Please share yours with a reply ! ! !

Pete S. - "If you continually Pursue your Passion, then your Success will surely follow"

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