Day 3 at WA

Last Update: April 19, 2011

So day 3 and still having issues putting the pieces of the puzzle together.  Must admit I spent most of the time I devoted to IM today networking with other members (reading profiles and building my Buddy Network).

Although this has nothing to do with getting my pages right, I felt it was important to find role models and IMer's to look to for advice as I need it.  It's not that I can't or won't do the IM work, I (like everyone else here) have other reponsibilities in life and today I just didn't have the opportunity to focus in on the programming side of websites.  Downloaded and played with that a bit to while networking.  Seems like a solid program that will help me work on a Photobook that I've been thinking about for awhile now as well as my upcoming IM responsibilities.  Happy IM-ing to all and to all a Gr8 Night ! ! !

P.S. Still no correct guess on my profile location.  I might have to consider putting a hint or two in my upcoming blogs, after all, the Continental US is a Big Place.  Oopps, looks like my 1st Hint just kinda slipped out  =)

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