Posts by Phaeton 4
January 09, 2012
Hooray! Got my desktop back. No excuses know. I had my computer wiped and staring with a brand new slate so I will be busy re-installing a few things but it is not insurmountable.  Will spend some time on it tonight, so I should be good to go in the morning. It has been a long day and I am quite tired. so I am going to finish off this blog and get a good rest for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a BRAND NEW DAY!
January 05, 2012
Hello and welcome to day #3 of my new regimen for 2012.  So far this idea of creating goals seems to be working for me. I really felt like goofing off today but I realized that this was the exact situation that I am trying to overcome.  My computer repairman is due here tonight to get my desktop working again, hopefully it is nothing too serious.  That will be one excuse out of the way.  I had no idea what this blog would  be about when I sat down here.  I do believ
January 04, 2012
Hello and welcome to day 2 of my new program.  Actually I started this about two hours ago on my laptop but for the second day in a row I have lost all of my work.  I am having some issues with my desktop which I hope will be resolved very soon. So this work is being done on my wife's desktop.  I have never set goals before in all of my 72 years, so I have decided to give them a go.  Seems to be working for me so far. For two days now I have logged onto WA to break my habit o
January 03, 2012
 First of all I would like to wish all of my friends and colleagues a very happy and prosperous 2012!  I would also like to share with you some of my experiences i encountered within Wealthy Affiliate University.  I joined the ranks of Wealthy Affiliate in April of 2010. Like most of you I was anxious to begin a brand new career as a successful Internet Marketer.  From day 1 I was simply blown away by all of the information that was available to me.  I was immediately ov