Last Update: January 03, 2012

 First of all I would like to wish all of my friends and colleagues a very happy and prosperous 2012!

 I would also like to share with you some of my experiences i encountered within Wealthy Affiliate University.  I joined the ranks of Wealthy Affiliate in April of 2010. Like most of you I was anxious to begin a brand new career as a successful Internet Marketer.  From day 1 I was simply blown away by all of the information that was available to me.  I was immediately overwhelmed by it. My head began spinning and i had no idea where to begin.  Eventually things began to slow down and I was able to take small steps.  I was still stumbling around in the dark but I kept pushing forward.

 I finally realized that this Internet Marketing thing is not as easy as it sounds. You really have to work hard at it. It will not happen on its own.I would get lured away by the many distractions that the internet has to offer, things like facebook and games. Especially games on facebook.  If you are a newbie let me assure you that I know exactly where you are at. I finally decided that the best way to approach this is to not jump in head first and accomplish everything in one day.

This will not work for the majority of us. We were all newbies at one time or another so just go at your own pace. The operative word in that sentence  is go.   I found that the best place to begin is the 30 day success plan.  This is a comprehensive daily task plan. Very easy to follow and there is plenty of opportunities to ask for help on things that you don`t quite understand.  

I do not know when you are doing your lessons.  If you are currently unemployed then start your day with just 1 hour dedicated to your new life before you go anywhere else on the Internet.  If you are doing this after you finish your day job, log into WA first.  Dedicate your first hour to WA. Then if you so desire explore other things.   This way you will at least get 1 hour of productive time each day.  Brings to mind an old adage How do you eat an elephant? ... 1 bite at a time.

I have decided that in the year 2012, I will be eating an elephant.






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