Newbie Club - FREE

Last Update: September 17, 2010

I started a little Newbie Affiliate Club site which is FREE

There is so much to learn and it does take time and daily effort.  I am semi- retired so I have a lot of time to devote now. 

I did make a few thousand dollars making Hotel For Sale web sites and this little Newbie Club site has all the details you need to do it too.  I was a Resort Manager/Owner for 35 years, so this is easy for me...and can be for you too.  You can use my site as a real make your own.  Easy to do.

 You can make about $500 + per site.  The sites are one long page and I have a web site with a Hotel For Sale.......the owner uses the site often.  I made a few sites that the owners used to get to closing.  They loved the sites.  Really works for them.  One of these site is at WWW.FREEDOMRESORT.COM. Go take a look at it if you like. You can actually get started today with results.

I found a few other really super simple methods that I have started to use.  I found that keeping it all very simple to start is best.  Take a look if you get a moment.


  •  Has the notes taken in the past few months while learning.
  •  Mini-business Plan
  •  Hotel for sale type sites you can check out
  • Newbie Notes on this site to help you along.
  • This site is FREE to use.

Please leave a comment and let us know if you find this site helpful in some way.

Thanks for visiting

(Making this affiliate newbie Club site help me as a newbie figure things out.)

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Recent messages
red2002camaross Premium
I find that your site is very helpful!!! Thank you for helping us newbies out!!!
jatdebeaune Premium
That is wonderful Phil. I'm going to check it out tonight. Thank you.
Frets Premium
Thanks Phil ... very cool! I love this angle ... props for your efforts!
erussell Premium
I think it's wicked that you're setting up a resource to help newbies out!
prinker Premium
This site is great! It is clearly visible that you put a lot of thought, time and effort into it. I'm pretty new to WA, been here since June, but really was just able to start learning in late August. There is so much great information to take in. As you mentioned don't get distracted which has been an issue for me. I have to admit every time I get an email about making money I click and read; however I am working on just deleting them.
