Did you Get the WA Strip That Fat Info ?

Last Update: July 14, 2010

*  This post done to try to help a Newbie get it going....hope it helps !

Yesterday I received the email from WA about the Strip That Fat affiliate promotion they recommend.  And it is good.....Very Good.

 I hope this helps some one that may have missed the WA email yesterday.  I was surprised as I just did a squidoo on Comfort bikes and added stuff on the side effect of weight loss as I just shed 25 + lbs.

 It seems so easy to do.  Here is how I read it and my brief notes.

( Please remember I am just a 5 week newbie, so this might need some tweaking but it is what I am about to do.  I figure I'll learn as I go, but that email seems like a good overview of a little system to use for lots of marketable items ) 

Scroll to bottom for a real article to analysis.

WA - Strip that Fat - Affiliate Promotion  7-2010

Keywords are saved on WA downloaded PFD on my Pc

Make article - add clickbank link with code - submit to sites shown below

Do 2-3 articles per day using the keywords and subjects shown below

Create a lens and blogger and WA site

Use the clickbank link to their landing page.....only Pre Sell in the articles and let the L page sell.

Use the same format for  other WA offers offers and the few others I have

Then make 10-20 page web site with one general subject like Bikes or Music or local niche.  Don't jump around to much on different niches...better it is said to get one or two sites done well than many lousy ones.

Be sure to be able to get to one two or three on the google return pages in the slim long tail niche chosen.
So selecting the best long tail narrow niche is most important.


Articles Sites

http://www.stripthatfat.com/?hop=yourid  ; - replace  the xxx with cb code

Social Bookmarking to get backlinks

Q&A Sites


Knowledge Resource


If you are very new....and want a simple way to do this....I am going to do this little system for now till I learn more.

 1.  Read WA email from yesterday 7.13-2010 about Strip that FAT

2.  Get the code from Clickbank and remove the XXXX's and add my code that they give me and save it.

3.  Write 30 articles....one after another remembering that people skim and scan when reading these articles so make it with bullets and leave a lot of white space.  Go to ezines and review atleast 20 articles written by their expert writers...Look under experts.  Analysis every detail on their articles, how they approach, how they Pre Sell and the resource box.  Add a complete url including the http and all.  Put in a picture too.  Get this part right.....very important is the article, but once I get used to it they should take only about 15 minutes to write.  Many subjects to use is in the PDF that the email provided...tons of keywords there and tons of subjects to use to write about.

4.  Do the bookmarking

5.  Make a lens and blog

6.  Use the 30 day plan for articles - link below and in my notes.

Here is an article I found when I went to Ezine.com and got into the weight loss articles and this one showed up as #1...so I copied it to show what one looks like so you can analysis it and use as a guide line.

Here is an Article for Weight Loss - 


**  Keep article bettween 250-400 words

Lose Your Excess Weight in a Fast and Effective Way
ByJane ChasterPlatinum Quality Author
Jane Chaster
Level: Platinum

I am an expert in home decor and health niches, and have been writing on the topics since 1998 in different magazines, and recently I ...
Article Word Count: 398

Article starts here.....

A healthy body is vital for a healthy and happy life. One of the best ways to be healthy is by having an ideal weight for your body structure. If you want to lose weight, there are a lot of things that you can do. You just need to be resourceful and be patient in all the things that you do. There are some tips that you need to know for you to lose weight in a fast and effective way.


One of the most important factors that is needed for you to become successful in losing weight is to maintain a positive attitude in the things that you do especially in your goal of losing weight. Try to have a good outlook in life so that you will be able to attain your goals easily.


Keep in mind that physical activities are important for you to lose weight in a safe and effective way. You need to burn the fats and calories in your body to lose weight effectively. One of the best ways that you can do is to go to the gym do the workout there. You can also buy equipment for your gym at home. Sports is also a good option that you can make. You just need to determine what you prefer the most.

Exercise in the gym is a good way to lose weight. Try to perform cardio exercises for at least one hour twice a week. You also need to do weight training exercises from time to time. These exercises are vital to increase your metabolism and lose weight effectively.


One thing that you need to remember all the time is to eat healthy foods. This is vital if you really want to lose weight. Keep in mind that excessive calories in your body will be stored as fat and will lead you to gain extra weight. Try to eat a balanced amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Make sure that you eat enough fruits and vegetables and drink enough amount of water.

There are various ways that you can try for you to lose weight surely. One thing that is very vital that you always need to consider is your patience to pursue the goals that you have set for yourself. Keep your determination and motivation level high all the time.

You need to keep a healthy body weight to remain in good condition. Treadmill For Sale is one equipment that will surely help you.

Carl Lewis Treadmills are also good. Try to have it for you and for your family.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Chaster




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wildflower40 Premium
My you have been busy and I always look forward to your posts! Thanks phil---I always bookmark your stuff!
nessa Premium
Hi! Wow! This is exactly what I need ... I do have a question though.
1) What is bookmarking? And how do we do that?
2) I've read a lot of making lenses but what exactly are those and how do we get/ do one?

I know, I'm a bit slow when it comes to terminologies but I'm only a month old here and until now I still have a lot in question. Your reply will be a great help. Gold for you! Thanks again.
nessa Premium
Hi! Wow! This is exactly what I need ... I do have a question though.
1) What is bookmarking? And how do we do that?
2) I've read a lot of making lenses but what exactly are those and how do we get/ do one?

I know, I'm a bit slow when it comes to terminologies but I'm only a month old here and until now I still have a lot in question. Your reply will be a great help. Gold for you! Thanks again.
nessa Premium
Hi! Wow! This is exactly what I need ... I do have a question though.
1) What is bookmarking? And how do we do that?
2) I've read a lot of making lenses but what exactly are those and how do we get/ do one?

I know, I'm a bit slow when it comes to terminologies but I'm only a month old here and until now I still have a lot in question. Your reply will be a great help. Gold for you! Thanks again.