Posts by Phildeeze 19
December 30, 2010
Hey all I have a simple question that could have a huge impact on my web page so I must ask. I have recently started receiving visitors to my new site and they are beginning to post comments on my blog. I am curious though because I believe a few of them have found my site via a link here at WA. The reason I think this is because I noticed that the same user posted on multiple posts, but left different website information each time. Both of the sites are not related to my web page directly but I
December 26, 2010
I am both shocked and thrilled at the performance of my niche site. I have not made any sales yet I still feel a load of success. Just a few days ago I made a post because I was thrilled to announce that my page had made page 2 of google in just 2 weeks. The next day I checked again and it had moved from the 3rd spot to the first on page 2. Anyways I haven't been able to do any promotion the past few days being Christmas and all, but I jumped back in today with a load of confidence. This confide
1 comment
December 22, 2010
First off I am creating this post to pat myself on the back :) but I am hoping that some of the new recruits will find inspiration in what I have accomplished. I have been with WA for a month now and can't even begin to explain how much I have learned. Best part about all I have learned is it actually works! I started a new campaign about 2 weeks ago and began working on my page rank right away. A short 2 weeks since I started and my website is already on the second page of google search results
1 comment
Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by! Just in case you have not been following my last few post, I have recently built a new web page ( and I am in the process of making some small changes to increase its potential. My next move I would like to make is adding an opt-in list for my visitors. I am still working on creating some content to offer the viewers that do decide to sign up, but that is not where I am stuck. I wanted to get the opinion of some o
Hey all I am creating this post after running into a contradiction I found in a couple of training tutorials. Though I think I already know the answer to my own question, I still want to be 100% sure and also thought other newbies would benefit from this as well. So I was reading a tutorial that covered the creation and submission of articles for a niche. In this tutorial it was said that a single article should be submitted to multiple directories which is not what was told in the step by step
December 15, 2010
     About a week ago I asked for critics to look at a web page I had built some time ago to give me some pointers. I guess I have been second guessing myself and taking a somewhat careful approach. After some good reviews and some great pointers from everyone here I have deciding to jump into an official niche site.      I gained a bit of confidence when I fell into a niche that I could connect with. Having seen and personally dealt with addiction for a long t
December 06, 2010
Hi everyone if you have not spoke with me before I am Phillip Goehring and I am an Internet marketing newbie. Before I signed up here at WA I had already built a web page. I have since updated my site and wish for some input. I want you to keep in mind that this site is not targeted to a specific niche so I'm really just looking for input on how the site is set up. Any input will be appreciated I am hoping to better my skills before I begin my niche site and begin to devote my time to another pa
November 24, 2010
     Just one week in and I already feel great about signing up.Though I was never tricked in the past into buying a bogus program with no results (thanks to hours of research), I still feel as though all of the scams out there stole something from me. The amount of time I wasted trying to see past all the smoke and mirrors could have been spent making progress here at WA. I can't complain though because I am finally here.      Everyone here has been great. Tha
November 18, 2010
First day viewing this course and I already have a positive outlook. This site is finally what it was explained to be and not a front for a pyramid scheme.