About Philemon
Joined December 2010
Hello WA family! My name is Philemon and I live in North Carolina. I’m new to WA and I’m excited about everything I’ve seen so far. I have a beautiful wife, two wonderful grown daughters, and four highly-active grandkids. I’m a graduate of High Point University (Psychology) and I’m near completion of my Masters degree (Intercultural Leadership) through Crown College online program. . My passion is helping others improve their lives through personal empowerment skills training and by sharing practical life leadership principles. I have done this for more than 30 years through seminars, workshops, and conferences in the United States and some overseas. I once conducted leadership classes at a local global missions training center where I taught students from many parts of the world (USA, Africa, Canada, Haiti, India, Thailand). I plan to become an Empowerment Specialist. My purpose at WA is to become a full-time online entrepreneur and help others (especially the Baby Boomer generation) become entrepreneurs as well. Making it happen!
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Old Mizer Premium
Welcome to WA and the great community that exists here. This is the best place to learn online marketing and all the tools you'll need are here. Being a member you have access to all of them. Along with the best part of this site, ...the Forum. Welcome aboard.
Philemon Premium
Thanks a million. Lets make it happen!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA.
Philemon Premium
webkab Premium
Our ideas parallel each other in that I too am reaching out to the Baby Boomer generation especially those that got caught up in our wonderful economy and possible lost much of what they had saved to retire on. Developing an online business is can be such a great direction for many of these Boomers to start earning a supplemental income.
With that being said I leave you with this message.

Welcome to WA. There's lots of information here at WA. Don't let it overwhelm you. Take the training, stay focused and you can also go to potpiegirls blog where you will find some videos that will help you get started. Best wishes and much SUCCESS.
webkab Premium
That's good advise. I am moving forward and doing just that. Turn the frustrations into motivation. Something good will evolve from it. If your acting positive things around will turn positive. That's why I'm here. In my first wordpress blog that we built from a 30 day training session I reached out to the over 55's who also got caught up in our economy. I would like to reach them and hopefully get them involved in WA. It is a great way to supplement a Dwindling retirement savings. Stay in touch. Also, Marcus tells us that they will have another Article Marketing/wordpress training session early next year. Keep your eyes open for that. It's great and will get you started in the right direction.
Philemon Premium
Its great to meet another "boomer" with similar goals. Yes, I too have suffered due to the economy. But as I've taught others for years "turn your frustration into motivation" and thats why I'm so thankful for finding WA. Thank you ever so much for the encouragement and the advice about potpiegirl's blog. Success never happens in a vacuum, we all need the help of others! MUCH SUCCESS TO YOU TOO!
Behealthy Premium
Hey. I wish you all success. Everything you need to know about IM is here. Enjoy. I am.
Philemon Premium
Thank you!
Philemon Premium
LOL! I'm having a little trouble navigating on here! Anyway, I'm over-joyed to be here!