Perfecting my Pace

Last Update: January 10, 2011

 Since becoming a member of WA I have been so encouraged and motivated by the other family members and their accomplishments. I have wished many times I had found this business community years ago before I wasted my time and money with fruitless ventures. At any rate my biggest problem right now is pacing myself. I have no problem with hard work, learning new things, and methodically building an online business.  Its just that I'm in too much of a hurry to reach my goals. I guess, like many of you, I want my dreams fulfilled yesterday because I've been chasing these dreams long before I came to WA. So I've got to find my "pace toward success" so that I don't get over-loaded and frustrated. I have read the WA success stories of some reaching desired goals in weeks, months, or after their first year. EVERYBODY'S PACE IS DIFFERENT. So I am learning to perfect my pace from reading about many of you instead of becoming discouraged because I may move a little slower.  If any of you feel like I do just stay focused on WHY you are here (your vision) more so than WHEN you will "succeed" (your timetable for reaching goals). Please don't misunderstand me, I am not saying don't plan or don't have any type of timetable in place. I have learned that sometimes we fulfill timetables ahead of time or later then planned due to unforeseen X- factors. I have my plans, goals, and timetables in place as well. I'm just saying don't get upset  if you are moving slower than you expected. Hang on in there, perfect your pace, and we will all get there! Maybe not at the same time, but we will get there! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Making a Difference,                                                                                                                                                             Philemon

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Meadow Breeze Premium
Welcome to WAU! I am also new at WA & let me tell you there are some really great people in this community along with some very powerful schooling in IM. I think it is important to build a solid foundation in knowledge and character before expanding your horizons. Lets be buddies and let me know if you want to network or share some ideas. If Idon't know the answers,maybe I can help connect w/someone has an answer. We are going to make some good things happen this year! Meadowbreeze