Goals for 2011

Last Update: January 05, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Ok, WA family, its been wild and crazy lately. Going through my 12 lessons right now and trying to take my time and mentally digest it all. I work a 12 hour day job that often leaves me so tired at end of day I end up sleep in front of the computer. But one day i will leave it!

My goals for 2011:


~ to finish 12 week lessons

~ to complete the initial videos, tutorials, lessons, etc. that a newbie needs for a strong foundation in internet marketing. 

~ to develop the basic fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for success in internet marketing.

~ to have at least one web site up.

~ to be making at least $100.00 a day

~ to become skilled at article writing


~ to get my first ebook finished.

~ to have at least 2 web sites up.

~ to become an expert in the marketplace needs of the Baby Boomer generation. 

~ to have introduced at least 250 people to WA opportunity. 

These goals may become more specific and/or detailed as 2011 progresses and my 12 month timetable may shift one way or the other (because of my job I can’t be online everyday). But the bottom line is this: I’m determined  to succeed in reaching my goals!

“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” Alan Lakein 

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Meadow Breeze Premium
Your Goals look very Realistic and certainly Do-able! My goals are very similar. let's Go For It!