About PLM
Joined June 2008
"The Socratic Method"... The best way of teaching everything-apart from juggling chainsaws!
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kiwiboy Premium
Kia ora, there bro....it is a pleasure to make aquaintance with you, welcome to WA ! I am sure you will do well...
I believe I arrived here with a blessing in disguise also...
kiwiboy Premium
hey, its all good my Brother...bum marketing is the best place to start, I just got my first one at ezine article's published...Yesterday, I am so proud as the puncuation has never been a strong point...lol..
and I would have to say if you aren't aware, That "travis" is really awesome to learn those bum technique's from,
as for the "old man" buddy stuff....I grew up with old man Legends like yourself, and understand your code of the "brothers" very well. I'd love to team up and compare note's and Idea's with ya bro!
PLM Premium
Belated greetings brother

Thanks for your welcome man. I'm adding you to my buddy list and noticed you're about a month ahead of me but still in the same general joining date as me. Would love to compare notes and success. I can relate to your history as well man. Physically labor intensive trash heap jobs that paid well but have taken their toll on my body. Lets stay in touch if you wish to buddy up with a old man. I have decided to start article marketing or bum marketing as I've learned it is called through this forum.
glowinggal Premium
congrats on completing your first month's goal - that is pretty much how I did my first month as well - took in the info - now I'm working on putting it all into play and just DOING IT! The best way to learn it's said many times is to just do it :)

Best of luck!!!
PLM Premium
Thanks for the support sister!
I'm busily learning learning learning. The learning curve is getting smaller by the second! My web savvy is growing but I'm not where I want to be just yet. The success I've been having has been mind blowing to myself personally as the dumb luck I call it just keeps working and I continue learning what is actually working and why.
AndreaB Premium
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi! You crack me up in the forums and you often have some excellent words of wisdom. It's nice to meet you!
PLM Premium
Thanks! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well!
Dennis Premium
Dude you are just out of this world, i am a rugby player and i trully understand when you speack of now is the time to use the brain-span, i admire your enthusiasm and believe me it will take you far than you have ever imagined you could reach. Good goals otherwise success to you and hepe you are doing fine. Any assistance we are here for you.cheers buddy.
PLM Premium
Hey brother, thanks for the inspiring message. I have a great friend of mine where I live who used to play rugby in the UK as well. He's got all the injuries and bad back as well. The mind of a man that has abused his body is ripe for the picking. Heres to your success as well bro.
gkygrl Premium
PLMOnline -- your story is inspiring .... it sounds like you have dabbled in a million things. You've got a lot to share through your experiences and the drive to make whatever you want to happen, happen. I've added you as my buddy and hope you will consider doing the same.

Best wishes!

PLM Premium
Thanks for the message sister. I'm glad I can inspire someone =P That's me, jack of all trades and master of none. Guess I just never found my groove till now. I love craps to... only honest game in the house. Good luck on everything you do and glad to have another buddy =)