New To Wealthy Affiliate? Let's Talk

Last Update: September 11, 2009

If you are new to Wealthy Affiliate, I want to take this opportunity to say...



If you're new to the world of Internet Marketing, I now want you to take your right hand and extend it around your left shoulder and pat yourself on the back for making a GREAT decision to learn all this mumbo-jumbo here at WA.  Good job!

 I've been working online for over 2 years now and I've managed thru hard work and a lot of grace to accomplish things I never dreamed were possible.

But I spent my first year learning the hard way - self taught - and it was HARD.  By the time I walked thru the doors of Wealthy Affiliate, I had a good deal of experience under my belt, but I could have kicked myself for not joining WA sooner.

As I write this, I have been a WA member for over a year.  Wealthy Affiliate has truly pushed my online earnings over the edge.  I was earning good money online before WA.... now I make great money.

I don't say that to brag... it's not my style and not my nature.  I say that because I am a mom... a wife....I don't have a fancy education or high-tech computer skills.

When I started online, I bet I knew less then than you know right now.

I was clueless - but determined...

And I worked my butt off...and still do.... and I love every second of it.


I wish that each of you that read this will embrace this opportunity and run with it.

You are in the right place to learn - and I can tell you that from personal experience.  I know the options and it ain't pretty.

As you get started here in Wealthy Affiliate, I want to warn you about something...

 You are going to feel over-whelmed.

There is a LOT of information here in Wealthy Affiliate and it will take a bit to find your balance in here.

But you WILL.

No one learns everything their first day of college, so don't put that pressure on yourself here.

You are learning all new things.... a new way of thinking.  Once the reality of the very real possibilities for online income hit you, you will be blown away.

Internet Marketing is very real.  It really does work. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

So, relax... take a deep breath... and enjoy this moment as you get ready to make wonderful changes in your life.


Above all else...


Don't give up before the magic happens, BUT never forget....

YOU are the magician!


All the best!





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len Premium
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your welcome. As you know I just received your E-book One Week Marketing which I consider as a help for my WA study and stimulation to overcome the feeling of overwhelming I got as a newbie. Sure I will contact you in the future concerning my WA and IM activities.
Cheers, Len
harrit Premium
Hi - and thanx for the motivation :) - We'll get there!
See you in Vegas in a couple of years!

larryperry Premium
Hi Jennifer, It's nice to meet you... i'm newbie here... i'm very interesting about Internet Marketing, I'm want to be an Internet Marketer, so i think maybe i can learn from your experience here..
I have been working with internet marketing and online businesses for 2 months, i hope to hear from you soon, thanks
fitnessluz Premium
Thanks Jennifer! I enjoyed your article. I couldn't have put it better. I too, have been learning the hard way, built my two websites myself, VERY slowly and still working on them. I love WA already!
azkp Premium
Hi Jenifer Your comments are appreciated this is my second day and I'm taking it all in and trying not to say what the hell! as i read all of this whis me luck