Jay answered my question.

Last Update: February 15, 2011

This may sound strange, but I am OVERJOYED that  Jay answered my question tonight in the webinar!  I feel like I won a piece of the powerball! Don't get me wrong, I have asked questions before. And of course there are sooo many questions asked that I fully understand that Jay can't answer all of them.

But, I had posted my question at the end, and waited for a response because Jay was talking to someone else. And then just as he was fixing to go, he said my name and repeated my question. And ANSWERED it by giving me personal advice. How cool is that? ( I screamed and woke up my husband so that he could hear Jay responding to me too. My husband was like"You woke me up because some other man said your name?" I better be careful on that next time! ha ha)

Even though it was <2 mins. of him speaking to me, I felt that I had won that 30 minutes of free coaching he gives away sometimes when you attend the live webinars. ( I desperately need that too!)

I knew coming to WA was a good choice. Because when you have people to help you they way that we can get helped here=webinars, forums, PM's, etc.= you know that you joined the right place!

(Still smiling, Jay answered a girl from Mississippi question!!)



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Labman_1 Premium
I heard the screamin all the way up here in NY. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
They should all be afraid of Jay...very afraid.
Jamie Smith Premium
NEA03 Premium
I hope Jay's wife doesn't see this, lol
Louise M. Premium
yeah he has that effect on women.. lol :)