Another campaign started; another article submitted. Feedback requested.

Last Update: July 21, 2010

My most immediate goal with WA is to set up the minimum of what I need to open up the possibility to make money on the Internet.  As I understand it, the bare bones necessities are affiliate links to the products I want to promote, a landing page where I link to those products through my unique affiliate url, and one or more ads or articles directing people either to my landing page or directly to the merchant.  Am I missing anything?

Now I realize there are many items that I should have, that will improve my revenue stream, and if the bare bones things I have set up do start making me money, I will be able to afford the time to fine tune all my campaigns to make even more money by say, adding the ability to capture email addresses.

My goal today was to initiate a third campaign, this time one that had the potential to be more immediately lucrative than my first two.  Both PlanGarden and AOCS silver have relatively low commissions.  If I made a lot of sales, it would add up nicely, but not nearly as quickly as some of those ClickBank products that pay out 75% commissions.  The reason I chose them was because I found them easy to write about.  I either had extensive prior product knowledge, or I found it very easy to quickly learn a lot about the product.  They made for good practice campaigns because I didn't have to add extensive product research to the already steep learning curve of how to do Internet marketing.

But for my third campaign I was willing to do more extensive product research for the sake of a much higher commission, along the lines of $20.00 per sale.  I chose two eBooks on how to build your own greenhouse from ClickBank and created a review style landing page that compares them based on the information supplied on each product's landing page.  Since I'm an affiliate for both of them I didn't make a recommendation as to which was better.  Either way, I get paid as long as a visitor actually buys.

I used to manage a rather large greenhouse, so I do have some idea of how greenhouses work and what you need to consider in building your own.  Still, it's been a while so I didn't want to rely exclusively on my own experience.  I pulled up a few articles on the various important components of greenhouses and decided to zero in on the options for covering material.  I wrote a nice little article summarizing the features, benefits and disadvantages of each one and put it up on GoArticles.  It's a good enough article that I'd like to change the wording enough to also throw it up on EzineArticles (and wait 7 days for them to decide whether or not to publish it).

Meanwhile my ShareASale application got approved and I am so going to go crazy with that network.  There are some awesome vendors with awesome products , including another high niche which is using detritavores like earthworms, cockroaches and soldier fly larvae to compost kitchen scraps.  I am eagerly looking forward to starting a campaign around that niche!

But that's going to have to wait a while.  I won't be putting any time into this tomorrow.  I need to spend some time with my children and my husband needs to put in some time with his job.  Until I start making affiliate sales my husband needs to continue with the work he does that pays merely by the hour, but it's money we can count on (mostly).  Besides, if I've set up my campaigns correctly, it should be mostly a matter of time before my articles and ads get indexed and ranked and the machine starts humming along.  Sure, I don't have nearly the volume of articles I need to cover my bases, but I would think some sales should start to trickle in with what I have submitted so far, indicating that I'm definitely on the right track.  If I make no sales, then it's time to figure out what I really need to tweak before I repeat myself in yet another campaign.

To that end I want to ask you all a favor, especially those of you who have experienced success and feel you can count on future success.  I'm going to link to my blog (which contains all my landing pages), all my articles and all my ads in the website section of my profile.  Could you please take a look at all those landing pages, articles and ads and tell me if I have all the basic ingredients to be able to make some sales or if I have missed something essential that I need to add in order to be able to make those sales.  At this point I don't want to hear about how I can make more money.  That's for another time.  I only want to hear about anything else I need in order to make any money.  Does that make sense?

 I greatly look forward to getting some feedback.

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